Docker Advanced 2 Image


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This part is about Docker image.


Specification of image:
        ^               ^       ^   ^
        |               |       |   |
       hub         namespace  repo  tag

You can use commands below to save/load images:

docker save -o busybox.tar busybox
docker load -i busybox.tar

Lifecycle of one image:

Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at 9.13.24 PM.png

Structure of Image

Docker image is a read-only template and supplies rootfs for container.

One image is made up of

My environment:

root@ubuntu:~# uname -a

Linux ubuntu 4.15.0-29-generic #31~16.04.1-Ubuntu \
SMP Wed Jul 18 08:54:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@ubuntu:~# docker version

 Version:           18.09.0
 API version:       1.39
 Go version:        go1.10.4
 Git commit:        4d60db4
 Built:             Wed Nov  7 00:48:57 2018
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Experimental:      false

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          18.09.0
  API version:      1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.10.4
  Git commit:       4d60db4
  Built:            Wed Nov  7 00:16:44 2018
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false

root@ubuntu:~# docker info | grep Storage
Storage Driver: overlay2

So the storage driver is overlay2. The following is from Use the OverlayFS storage driver#How the overlay2 driver works and Docker存储驱动—Overlay/Overlay2「译」.

Let’s pull a image of nginx:

root@ubuntu:~# docker pull nginx

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/nginx
a5a6f2f73cd8: Pull complete 
67da5fbcb7a0: Pull complete 
e82455fa5628: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:31b8e90a349d1fce7621f5a5a08e4fc519b634f7d3feb09d53fac9b12aa4d991
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest

Then see the overview:

root@ubuntu:~# cat /var/lib/docker/image/overlay2/repositories.json | python -m json.tool

    "Repositories": {
        "nginx": {
            "nginx:latest": "sha256:e81eb098537d6c4a75438eacc6a2ed94af74ca168076f719f3a0558bd24d646a",
            "nginx@sha256:31b8e90a349d1fce7621f5a5a08e4fc519b634f7d3feb09d53fac9b12aa4d991": "sha256:e81eb098537d6c4a75438eacc6a2ed94af74ca168076f719f3a0558bd24d646a"

This image is made up of 3 image layers (data):

root@ubuntu:~# tree -R -L 2 /var/lib/docker/overlay2/

├── b8551a26cd364214406c2cec1e64ea115ec025ba6d23172a9cb4012e58d6a0f5
│   ├── diff
│   ├── link
│   ├── lower
│   └── work
├── d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b
│   ├── diff
│   ├── link
│   ├── lower
│   └── work
├── ec1ee7a13bfe58ae85641434a941946314a1c9fb3342ed13ba4a98e4778d260a
│   ├── diff
│   └── link
└── l
    ├── 276G4S52H7YYCV5RQ5DXHIZJMO -> ../d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b/diff
    ├── AD4UF4CJHYFTIGELNJCTDK62QK -> ../ec1ee7a13bfe58ae85641434a941946314a1c9fb3342ed13ba4a98e4778d260a/diff
    └── XOMHG6QGR2RTJI7O46V34SA4DY -> ../b8551a26cd364214406c2cec1e64ea115ec025ba6d23172a9cb4012e58d6a0f5/diff

The new l (lowercase L) directory contains shortened layer identifiers as symbolic links. These identifiers are used to avoid hitting the page size limitation on arguments to the mount command.

The lowest layer contains a file called link, which contains the name of the shortened identifier, and a directory called diff which contains the layer’s contents.

The second-lowest layer, and each higher layer, contain a file called lower, which denotes its parent, and a directory called diff which contains its contents. It also contains a merged directory, which contains the unified contents of its parent layer and itself, and a work directory which is used internally by OverlayFS.

Following the lower file, we can figure out the layers:

|  d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b  |
|  b8551a26cd364214406c2cec1e64ea115ec025ba6d23172a9cb4012e58d6a0f5  |
|  ec1ee7a13bfe58ae85641434a941946314a1c9fb3342ed13ba4a98e4778d260a  |

From Docker1.10 the name of directory is different from the image layer’s id.

The meta-data is:

cat /var/lib/docker/image/overlay2/imagedb/content/sha256/e81eb098537d6c4a75438eacc6a2ed94af74ca168076f719f3a0558bd24d646a | python -m json.tool

It is just the content of docker inspect nginx. And we can find the layers and directories:

"GraphDriver": {
    "Data": {
        "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b8551a26cd364214406c2cec1e64ea115ec025ba6d23172a9cb4012e58d6a0f5/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/ec1ee7a13bfe58ae85641434a941946314a1c9fb3342ed13ba4a98e4778d260a/diff",
        "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b/merged",
        "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b/diff",
        "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/d4b863030b2f01b90868e77c7b83be8e24e1958efae7d8ac53bb4c858ba1fa3b/work"
    "Name": "overlay2"
"RootFS": {
    "Type": "layers",
    "Layers": [

The diagram below shows the structure of overlay, which is very similar to overlay2 (just the number of layers changes):


How Container Reads&writes Work with Overlay or Overlay2

This part is from Use the OverlayFS storage driver#How container reads and writes work with overlay or overlay2.

Reading Files

Consider three scenarios where a container opens a file for read access with overlay.

Modifying Files or Directories

Consider some scenarios where files in a container are modified.

Experiment: Dirty Our Hands

Now let’s have fun with Overlay!

Firstly check whether your system supports overlay-filesystem:

root@ubuntu:~# cat /proc/filesystems | grep overlay
nodev	overlay


Supposing that we want to construct a building. Firstly we fetch some materials:

root@ubuntu:~# mkdir material
root@ubuntu:~# echo "bad concrete" > material/concrete
root@ubuntu:~# echo "rebar" > material/rebar

And we find the concrete is bad, so we fetch something good and at the same time, we get marble:

root@ubuntu:~# mkdir material2
root@ubuntu:~# echo "good concrete" > material2/concrete
root@ubuntu:~# echo "marble" > material2/marble

Now all the things are OK. Let’s create some directories and build is the constructing layer (upperdir):

root@ubuntu:~# mkdir merge work build
root@ubuntu:~# ls
build  material  material2  merge  work

Then mount the overlay filesystem:

root@ubuntu:~# mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=material2:material,upperdir=build,workdir=work merge

Now let’s see what happens:

root@ubuntu:~# tree ./*
├── concrete
└── rebar
├── concrete
└── marble
├── concrete
├── marble
└── rebar
└── work

root@ubuntu:~# cat merge/concrete 
good concrete

It is so interesting! The good concrete is ready in merge (You must learn about the essence of merge from the parts before if you want to know why).

Now we create our main structure in merge:

root@ubuntu:~# echo "main structure" > merge/frame
root@ubuntu:~# tree ./*
└── frame
├── concrete
└── rebar
├── concrete
└── marble
├── concrete
├── frame
├── marble
└── rebar
└── work

You should read the part How Container Reads&writes Work with Overlay or Overlay2 carefully and then you will know what happened.

Now let’s say that our guest does not want the marble, so we should delete it:

root@ubuntu:~# rm merge/marble 
root@ubuntu:~# tree ./*
├── frame
└── marble
├── concrete
└── rebar
├── concrete
└── marble
├── concrete
├── frame
└── rebar
└── work

root@ubuntu:~# ls -l build/marble 
c--------- 1 root root 0, 0 Nov 18 06:19 build/marble

Look! The marble is not really deleted, but replaced with a whiteout file!

That’s all. Thank you!

root@ubuntu:~# umount ./merge/

Architecture of Registry
